Sunday 1 September 2013

An Apple rarely falls far from the tree. Autumnal reflections on my Digital Life.

Isaac Newton’s fortunate incident with an Apple, proved a windfall (pun) for us all, as we learnt the gravity of all things and that the school of hard knocks, perhaps  - can be beneficial.
It was in the summer of 2010 when my true ‘Digital life’ took root - yes, I’d always been a prolific social media user and promoter but this had not translated much to my bottom line - either as an employee or as a freelancer...
Toshiba, was my PC world and frankly a lackluster Nokia 3410 had powered my professional life, having had a few dalliances with HTC ‘Not so Smart’ handsets in the years preceding.  Apples iPhone 3G was my first taste of the Apple Ecosystem, and as my Toshiba laptop - finally went to sleep and to ‘dream of Ewe’; I was generously gifted a Mac Book Pro 17” for Christmas. 25 minutes  after switching on, the ‘Cult’ of Apple which I had much maligned for years as ‘geeky’ and akin to some evangelical illuminati, had another convert. 

The intuitive elegant operating system, packaged in Sir Jonathan Ive’s stunning design, the speed, the efficiency - need i go on... Well it changed my life! It did, I’m not ashamed to admit - and for those others who have taken the not inexpensive leap to Apple to make up its $120b sales last year, they will know what I mean...

Following my Mac Book an iPhone 4, Apple TV and I sit typing this blog on another generous gift, my iMac 27”  - last Christmas’s addition to my digital life. Yes, I am one lucky guy...and now I’m on the iPhone 5 and my partner has joined the ecosystem by inheriting my iPhone 4.

As a Voice Artiste, Actor, Social Media Marketer, Trainer, and Public Speaker - and a few hats besides , my one world Apple Ecosystem not only gives me access to a world of clients - Hong Kong to Finland, Canada to The British Virgin Islands. I am entertained, I communicate - and am able to build, create, design, voice and direct all my projects. The Cloud, specifically the iCloud has become my global access anytime, anywhere Server/HardDrive. 

Yes, I could buy into Android, PC, Windows and a multitude of other handsets, Hardware, Platforms etc... but the seamless integration of Apple allows me to spend time adding to my bottom line rather than soaking up the tedious task of getting all those potential tools to  work together with any kind of synergy akin to my digital life with Apple.

The fruits of Apple’s labors enhance every aspect of both my professional and personal life, from FaceTime with my global client list and those nearest and dearest scattered about the global village, to recording Voice Over’s in our studio, to collaborative real time projects with co-workers on sometimes 3 continents... 

So, as I AirPlay mirror a client video to my Apple TV across our wifi network and sit down to snack on a Granny Smith’s, I recall how Newton’s fruity experience sowed the seeds of my Digital life. Thank you Isaac..

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